- Venerable Prof. Dr.Ashin Chekinda
- Chancellor, Dhammadūta Chekinda University (DCU)
- Dean of Vipassanā Department, Patipatti Faculty
- International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU)
- Supreme Chief of Dhammadūta Jetavan Tawya Chekindāyāma Monastry
- Patron of Dhammadūta Philanthrophic Association
Dhammadūta Sayadaw, Venerable Prof. Dr. Ashin Chekinda, is the founding chancellor of Dhammadūta Chekinda University(DCU) which was launched in June 2018 with an aim of promulgation of Theravāda Buddhism for the Buddhist scholars. He teaches Buddhism and Buddhist meditation in International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU) run by the Government of Myanmar where he is also working as a Dean of Vipassanā Department, Patipatti Faculty,ITBMU,Yangon,Myanmar.

He obtained engineering degree (civil) from AGTI in 1979 and worked as senior supervisor in government projects over four years and received full-ordination as a Buddhist monk in 1983 under the instruction and guidance of the Late Ven. Dhammaduta Sayadaw Ashin Paňňājota who has nationwide reputation as great meditation master.
Dhammadūta Sayadaw Prof. Dr. Ashin Chekinda had practiced vipassanā meditation and studied Tipitake literature under his preceptor’s instruction for 15 year and completed advanced degrees in the traditional Buddhist studies of Tipitaka – Saddhammanepuňňa dhammācariya and Sāsanajotipāla dhammācariya in 1993. Later he obtained M.A (Buddhist Studies) in 2001 and Ph.D (Buddhist Studies) in 2007 form ITBM University, Yangon, Myanmar.
Since 1999, he had started founding Dhammadūta Buddhist Association and established some monasteries and Learning Centre. Currently his monasteries and centres are running for delivering Buddhist Ethics Courses and Meditation Courses while serving for monks and novices as learning centers.

To serve monastic members and lay devotees alike, he set up
- Dhammadūta Jetavan Tawya Chekindāyāma Monastery, Hmawbi, Yangon in 1999.
- Dhammadūta Shwe Oo Min Tawya , Kakar Kon Village, Hmawbi, Yangon in 2002.
- Dhammadūta Santarasa Tawya Chekindāyāma Monastery, Kin Pon Chaung Village,at the foothill of Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda,Mon State in 2007.
- Dhammadūta Pubbayon Tawya Chekindāyāma Monastery, Myay Pon Village,Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay division in 2008
- Asutralia Dhammadūta Branch and South Korea Dhammadūta Branch are in 2007 and Germany Branch is in 2014.
Dhammadūta Chekinda University (DCU) for local and international Buddhist scholars in 2018. Sayadaw is delivering apporoximately 700 public dhamma talk per year and leading as socially engaged Buddhist monks in several humanitarian works. In recognition of his excellent works, several honorary religious titles were conferred on him by the government:
- Dhammakathikabahujanahitadhara in 2007 for his excellent public dhamma talks
- Mahāsaddhammajotikadhaja in 2009 for his several humanitarian works
- Mahāganthavācakapandita in 2011 for his outstanding teaching of Buddhist Literatures
- Mahākammatthānācariya in 2013 for his meditation courses and
- Mahādhammakathikabahujanahitadhara in 2015 for his dhamma teachings.
He had written twenty-nine dhamma books in Burmese and three books in English, and delivered about ten thousands dhamma talks in local and abroad. While teaching meditation as a professor in ITBMU, he is occasionally conducting Youth Buddhist Ethics Courses and Meditation Courses.
In addition, Saydadaw is Leading the geriatric centre project which is aimed at to start in near future.
Because of his selfless humanitatrain works, he was awarded President’s . Excellency Award by President Thein Sein in 2013.
In 2017, Venerable Dr. Chekinda officially founded Dhammadūta Philanthropic Association to effectively contribute philanthrophic works in country, officially registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Venerable Dr. Chekinda provided humanitarian assistance to hundreds of thousands of cyclone affected population in cyclone Nargis in 2008 contributing food, water, shelter and phamaceuticals to the affected families during emergency period and recovery period from May 2008 to 2009 in Ayayarwaddy Region.
- Providing monthly stipen to hundreds of university students who cannot afford to continue higher education (mostly from border areas.)
- Organizing mass blood donation campaigns every four months in National Blood Center.
- Organizing youth camps for Dhamma Talks since 2000 where more than 10000 students (each year) from Grade 4 to University Level participated annually so far today during December and January Holidays).
- Organizing interfaith dialogue for youth from different religions – Buddhist, Muslims, Christians, Hindu.
- Distributing portable water to households during water crisis in May 2009,May 2010 and May 2011.